L’OMC lance un concours de photos

Sur le thème “Faire du commerce pendant la pandémie de COVID-19”

L’OMC et le Cadre intégré renforcé (CIR) ont lancé un concours de photos pour montrer comment le commerce mondial soutient la reprise économique à la suite de la pandémie de COVID-19. Le gagnant sera annoncé à l’occasion du Bilan de l’Aide pour le commerce que l’OMC organisera en ligne du 23 au 25 mars 2021. Toutes les photos doivent être présentées d’ici au 3 mars 2021.

The "Trading during the COVID-19 pandemic” photo contest is open to anyone over the age of 18. Submitted photos should show how trade is impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and how trade is helping to bring about economic recovery.   

The photos will be judged by a panel consisting of WTO and EIF staff and a professional photographer, with the winner announced at the WTO Aid for Trade Stocktaking event to be held online on 23-25 March 2021.  Information related to the photo contest is available here.

The winning photo will be showcased at the Aid for Trade Stocktaking Event. It will also be given global visibility across WTO and EIF digital and social media channels with the appropriate credit.

Mercredi 10 Février 2021

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